Improving the design of flying objects, wind turbine, or rotors requires to understand in a more precise way the flow around such bodies and to analyze the resultant fluid-stucture interactions. For applications such as rotor with flexibles blades, the aero-elastic coupling is crucial to understand the possible régimes and to optimize the rotor shape. Such scientific problems stand at the cross-roads of various domains ranging from unsteady aerodynamics, fluid-structure interactions, vortex dynamics.
This summer school will introduce each of these fields by basic courses (master level) as well as more advanced lectures at the fore front of research or in relation with applications (helicopters, wind turbines, flexible blade rotors...).
Tutorial lectures
Vortex Dynamics
Thomas Leweke, IRPHE, CNRS, Marseille, France
Maurice Rossi, d'Alembert-UPMC, CNRS, France
Fluid-structure Interactions
Christophe Eloy, IRPHE, Centrale Marseille, France
S. Michelin, LadHyX, Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau, France
Ivan Delbende, LIMSI-CNRS, UPMC, France
J. Sørensen, DTU, Copenhagen, Denmark
Avanced courses
Y. Fukumoto, Kyushu University, Japan
J. Eldredge, UCLA, USA
S. Ivanell, Uppsala University, Sweden
M. Costes, ONERA, Meudon, France
Twenty-minute oral presentations by the participants and a poster session are also scheduled.
Organising committee
Stéphane Le Dizès, IRPHE, CNRS, Marseille, France
Thomas Leweke, IRPHE, CNRS, Marseille, France
Christophe Eloy, IRPHE, Centrale Marseille, France